Author Geoff


Exercise helps to relieve stress, improve sleep patterns, boost the mood, improve concentration and sharpen the memory; making for better workers, colleagues and employees It is also widely recognised as an effective tool to relieve moderate depression and anxiety symptoms and prevent relapses. Continue →
Training & Recruitment

Site Safe has launched its first-ever blended online course. The not-for-profit membership health and safety organisation has designed a new course combining the advantages of online and in-class learning, so trainees will now have even more flexibility when they renew Site Safety Cards (Passports). Continue →

A Consumer NZ report on pre-made emergency survival kits provides a timely reminder for businesses and employers concerned about staff safety The consumer organisation found most either lacked key items, contained gear of poor quality or weren’t good value Consumer NZ looked at seven pre-made “getaway” kits that claim to have most of the gear one person needs to survive for three days when they need to evacuate in a hurry. Continue →

The new Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) is based on the underlying assumption that those who create or work with occupational risks, or can influence or direct them, are best placed to identify and manage those risks, note Sherridan Cook and Mere King. Continue →

University of Canterbury (UC) research is paving the way towards improved accuracy in risk assessment and better informed treatment approaches to ultimately contribute to reducing harmful sexual behaviour in the community, including the workplace UC Lecturer in Clinical Psychology Dr Sarah Christofferson is working with three community agencies involved with treating harmful sexual behaviour to validate a risk and change assessment tool. Continue →

Fixing or putting in place interim controls for significant risks at the time they are identified would likely have prevented a visitor’s death at South Port New Zealand in November 2015, says WorkSafe New Zealand The victim drowned when he lost control of his vehicle and slid off a wharf which had not been properly cleaned. Continue →

Active commuting by bicycle is associated with a substantial decrease in the risk of death from all causes, cancer and cardiovascular disease (CVD), compared with non-active commuting by car or public transport, a study in The BMJ has found Walking is also associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, but the risk of death from cancer was no different than non-active commuting, the results show. Continue →

The simple act of walking down stairs could help prevent diabetes, according to new research from Edith Cowan University, which cites something known as eccentric exercise Researchers from ECU’s School of Medical and Health Sciences recruited 30 obese elderly women and put them on an exercise program, with half walking upstairs and the others walking downstairs. Continue →

A new study has recommended helmets should always be worn by children, not only when riding horses but also when around horses, in a bid to reduce the risk of head injuries The research conducted by The University of Queensland’s Centre for Children’s Burns and Trauma Research Group is one of few recent comprehensive studies of paediatric horse-related trauma in Australia. Continue →

A new particle sensor designed to help building owners and managers monitor the air for potentially harmful particulate contaminants caused by dust, soot and smoke has been released by Honeywell Honeywell’s HPM series particle sensor is designed to work in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and consumer products such air purifiers to measure air quality in homes, buildings and public spaces. Continue →

Worldwide the number of people affected by and remaining disabled from stroke has increased significantly Although ageing and population growth has been shown to be the main drivers of this increased, not all of the increased stroke burden can be accounted for by these demographic changes. Continue →
Training & Recruitment

Life today is such a non-stop scramble that too many of us end the day feeling overwhelmed and exhausted – but there are solutions says certified life coach, motivational speaker and founder of holistic wellness company Rise & Shine Jo van der Walle We let our well-being fall through the cracks simply keeping our heads above water and it’s taking a huge toll. Continue →
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