News from our Content Partners

Is your virtual background making you unproductive?
As working from home remains common, so does fatigue from virtual meetings, but new research points to one quick fix that might help
On many videoconferencing platforms users can set virtual backgrounds. Continue →

Teen requires facial reconstruction after converted crane injury
On the day of his seventeenth birthday, Harrison Gilbert was struck in the face by an untethered 412-kilogram steel beam being manoeuvred by a crane which WorkSafe says never should have been used
Lakeland Steel Limited has been sentenced and ordered to pay nearly $300,000 following the incident. Continue →

Why to have your next meeting over coffee
Meeting for a coffee is not just about the drink itself – it has become a Kiwi ritual that can spark creativity, build trust, break down barriers, and offer a much-needed mini-escape
Whether it’s a casual catch-up or a meaningful work meeting, coffee can be the catalyst for deeper connections and fresh ideas. Continue →

New Zealand introduces its first Fluid Power Engineering Certification
For the first time, New Zealand has a dedicated certification for fluid power engineering, providing new training and career path options to those in the hydraulics and pneumatics industries
The Certificate in Fluid Power Engineering Fundamentals (Level 3) approved by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) is the result of sustained effort by several key people in the industry and of a newly formed New Zealand Fluid Power Association. Continue →

Five myths on smoke alarms ahead of new rules
From 1 November this year, new Building Code rules come into effect around smoke alarms – both builders and homeowners need to be thinking ahead and, in some cases, starting to address the changes, says Jared Dinneen, NZ Country Leader, Home & Distribution Schneider Electric New Zealand
Mid-winter is peak house fire season. Continue →

What to think about when picking the right PPE
The specific hazards that may be encountered on the job are among the factors you should carefully consider before choosing personal protective equipment (PPE)
PPE is an essential component of any tradesperson’s toolkit. Continue →

Chemical management systems lacking
Changes could be on the way after a report revealed gaps in how we monitor chemicals in the environment and how we interpret their impact on living things
The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Simon Upton, is proposing changes to the way New Zealand manages chemicals to make sure their environmental impacts are not overlooked. Continue →

AI tech deployed after chemical burn incident
Following a WorkSafe investigation into an incident where an Ecostore worker suffered chemical burns to his eyes, the business is investing over $323,000 into improving its health and safety practices as part of an enforceable undertaking
AI technology with real time hazard alerts is central to a new safety commitment WorkSafe New Zealand has accepted from the well-known household brand, Ecostore. Continue →

New Registered Inspector Programme for MEWPs
Large variances in the quality of inspections and the abilities of inspectors have driven the Elevating Work Platform Association of New Zealand Inc. Continue →

Responsibilities of a PCBU
A PCBU means a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking. Most New Zealand businesses, whether large corporates, sole traders, or self-employed, are classed as PCBUs. Continue →