Author Curreen


Global hydraulics and heavy lifting technology specialists Enerpac are introducing a new low-height skidding system for the accurate positioning of heavy loads in tight and awkward spaces The new Enerpac LH-Series Low-Height Skidding System is a modular track system that stands at just 92mm with the track yet can jack and slide heavy loads, such as transformers, generators, motors or drives, over a pre-constructed track. Continue →

When the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) came into force in April 2016, there was much discussion about the new enforcement measures introduced to ensure duty holders complied with their obligations, Graeme Tanner and Joseph Williams note The HSWA signalled a clear legislative intent to ensure duty holders under the HSWA were held accountable where acts or omissions in a workplace caused, or created an undue risk of, harm. Continue →
Workplace Health & Safety

The attitudes and behaviours of colleagues towards people returning to work from sick leave can have a big impact on whether or not a worker feels they are fairly treated by their organisation According to the Organizational justice and health: Studying mental preoccupation with work and social support as mediators for lagged and reversed relationships study by researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) and Stockholm University, there is a clear link between a person’s health and their perceptions of fairness at work over time. Continue →

New Zealand workplaces still aren’t getting it right despite having been required to adequately guard machinery since the Machinery Act 1950 came into force Two recent sentencings in Invercargill District Court graphically illustrate the gruesome injuries that can be inflicted by inadequately guarded machinery. Continue →

The past three years have seen a massive shakeup in health and safety with changes to the regulations, attitudes and protocols needed to handle workplace incidents The National Health and Safety Leaders’ Summit at the Safety 360 event this March brings Safety II and other key topics to the forefront of discussion. Continue →

Last year – 2017 – was a huge year for WorkSafe and for me personally in my first year as  chief executive, Nicole Rosie reveals  This job is an opportunity to make a difference, leading an organisation that is working to get New Zealanders home healthy and safe at the end of each working day. Continue →

The government-funded seasonal influenza vaccine will be available in April, and wise employers and workers should consider vaccinating themselves as soon as possible against the traditional winter menace Vaccination is recommended by most health professionals despite the fact that reports from the Northern Hemisphere reveal that the latest season’s vaccine was not as effective as expected. Continue →

A new sound level monitor has been released to coincide with the World Health Organization’s World Hearing Day on March 3 The WHO initiative aims to draw attention to the global rise in hearing loss, with one key message the focus on efforts to stem hearing loss through prevention, such as reducing noise in the workplace. Continue →

Wearable sensors are not just useful for personal fitness tracking, but can also be used to gain new insights in several fields of biomedical research In a research article in the open access journal PLOS Biology, Weng Khong Lim and colleagues from the SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Precision Medicine, Singapore, and the National Heart Centre Singapore show that wearables are not only able to identify groups of volunteers with similar patterns of daily activity, but can also predict various markers of risk for cardiovascular diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure and high blood sugar. Continue →

WorkSafe is warning businesses not to play down notifiable events in their workplaces following the release of a decision involving a 2016 accident Trade Depot Ltd appeared in Auckland District Court in December following an incident where more than 200kg of plasterboard fell on a worker in Takanini. Continue →
Training & Recruitment

The government’s latest workplace health and safety attitudes and behaviours survey has confirmed strong links between recent health and safety training and the way people act and feel at work Commissioned by the government’s health and safety watchdog, WorkSafe, the survey canvassed thousands of Kiwi workers and employers in high-risk industries, asking them about their experiences of workplace health and safety. Continue →
All News

Revolutionary new device empowers people who are blind, partially sighted, and have reading difficulties to achieve increased independence in employment, education and daily life   Wireless, lightweight and about the size of a finger, OrCam MyEye 2.0’s breakthrough assistive technology instantly reads printed and digital text aloud: newspapers, books, restaurant menus, signs, product labels, computer and smartphone screens. Continue →

There are no second chances with heavy machinery says WorkSafe after the recent sentencing of Easton Agriculture Limited in Palmerston North District Court The sentencing follows the death of a worker in August 2016 after he became trapped in a potato harvester on a farm in Shannon. Continue →

Safety gear is no good when it is sitting in your vehicle – and it needs to be used properly That’s the lesson following the sentencing of Stumpmaster Limited in the North Shore District Court. Continue →

The Health and Safety Association of New Zealand (HASANZ) has appointed Philip Aldridge as its first Executive Director with responsibility for managing its day to day operations and implementing its business strategy HASANZ is the umbrella organisation for workplace health and safety professions and was established in September 2014 to raise professional standards to provide healthier and safer workplaces. Continue →
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