Author Curreen

Hazardous Materials & Substances

Following a WorkSafe investigation into an incident where an Ecostore worker suffered chemical burns to his eyes, the business is investing over $323,000 into improving its health and safety practices as part of an enforceable undertaking AI technology with real time hazard alerts is central to a new safety commitment WorkSafe New Zealand has accepted from the well-known household brand, Ecostore. Continue →

Meeting for a coffee is not just about the drink itself – it has become a Kiwi ritual that can spark creativity, build trust, break down barriers, and offer a much-needed mini-escape Whether it’s a casual catch-up or a meaningful work meeting, coffee can be the catalyst for deeper connections and fresh ideas. Continue →

WorkSafe is investigating a trench collapse at an Auckland worksite which has left one seriously injured and another with moderate injuries The incident took place on 25 October in the Auckland suburb of Meadowbank on Rutherford Terrace. Continue →

A global safety charity is calling for more regular, tailored health and safety training and better reporting tools following some sobering figures from a new report The figures come from the latest edition of the Lloyd’s Register Foundation World Risk Poll, and are explored further in its latest report: Engineering safer workplaces: Global trends in occupational safety and healthContinue →

Though the change proposal would disestablish 180 roles, WorkSafe says it is aiming to increase frontline services over time WorkSafe New Zealand opened consultation for its staff on its organisational change proposal on 23 October. Continue →

Duncan Cotterill Associate Sean Brennan examines a series of decisions issued by the District Court in relation to a PCBU’s responsibility for the health and safety of “other persons” Under the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA), those conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) have an obligation to ensure the health and safety of workers, and to ensure the health and safety of “other persons” is not put at risk by the PCBU’s work activity. Continue →

A recent Employment Court ruling has highlighted the importance of open justice while hinting at potential changes ahead, say Duncan Cotterill Associate Caitlin Sargison and Solicitor Gene Park Traditionally, the principle of open justice means that all details of decisions in the Employment Relations Authority and Employment Court are made public unless there’s a strong reason to keep them private. Continue →

WorkSafe has published what it calls ‘priority plans’ to guide targeted engagement and enforcement activities as part of the agency’s much-needed strategic reset WorkSafe says it will deliver enforcement, engagement, and permitting activities across priority areas to maximise its influence and achieve better, more equitable outcomes. Continue →

While mental health in the construction is improving overall, more support is needed for the sector’s most vulnerable workers MATES in Construction, a not-for-profit organisation which supports positive well-being in the industry, surveyed more than 2000 workers, with 85% of workers reporting good mental health in 2023. Continue →

Much like airbags and seatbelts, in-cab cameras and shaking seats have become a safety non-negotiable in all of Hilton Haulage’s trucks A three-month trial of Guardian by Seeing Machines cameras in six of its truck and trailer combinations identified instances of driver fatigue, leading the company to implement the technology across their entire fleet of over 200 vehicles. Continue →
Hazardous Materials & Substances

WorkSafe is consulting on a proposal to restrict access to areas where pesticides have been used for a period of time it is calling a ‘restricted entry interval’ A restricted entry interval (REI) is the period of time, after a pesticide has been applied to an area, during which residues of the pesticide are likely to be present and could affect the health of workers re-entering the area. Continue →
Fire Protection

From 1 November this year, new Building Code rules come into effect around smoke alarms – both builders and homeowners need to be thinking ahead and, in some cases, starting to address the changes, says Jared Dinneen, NZ Country Leader, Home & Distribution Schneider Electric New Zealand Mid-winter is peak house fire season. Continue →

Industry leaders are calling recent commentary on temporary traffic management uninformed and unhelpful, as they work to transition from a ‘one size fits all’ model to a more risk-based approach Temporary Traffic Management Industry Steering Group (TTM ISG) Chair Dave Tilton says the industry is already making progress in ensuring temporary traffic management is fit for purpose through the transition from the compliance-based Code of practice for temporary traffic management (CoPTTM) to the more risk-based approach described in the New Zealand guide to temporary traffic management (NZGTTM). Continue →
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