Author Curreen


Aussie Pumps “Pro Operator” safety programme for pressure cleaner users has made another leap forward The company has now launched a helmet and visor with hearing protectors suitable for use in high pressure cleaning applications. Continue →

A Manawatū farmer says his community wants easier access to a blood test for toxic chemicals from firefighting foam, but the Health Ministry is telling them not to bother according to RNZ News The groundwater around defence bases including Ōhakea in Manawatū have been contaminated with toxic and long-lasting firefighting foam chemicals. Continue →
Road Safety

National Road Carriers Association has welcomed the road safety improvements announced for Northland but shares the disappointment of councils in the region that not more is being done “The improvements to the SH 1 and SH 15 intersection just south of Whangarei can’t come soon enough,” says NRC CEO David Aitken. Continue →

Big construction projects require co-operation between parties in order to keep people safe, and WorkSafe is reminding contracting firms that New Zealand’s health and safety laws actually require it “Building sites can involve hundreds of people coming and going over the course of a build,” says WorkSafe Deputy General Manager, Investigations and Specialist Services, Simon Humphries. Continue →
Training & Recruitment

A recent health and safety sentencing decision from the District Court, WorkSafe New Zealand v Avon Industries Ltd [2018] NZDC 4766, has highlighted how critical the proper training of workers can be in a workplace, Duncan Cotterill advises In particular, just correcting bad practices and dangerous behaviour isn’t enough – instead training should be provided to ensure that every worker knows the correct procedures to follow, the leading law firm insists. Continue →

There may be more benefits to deleting your Facebook account than just protecting your private data – it could also reduce your stress levels A University of Queensland research team led by Dr Eric Vanman of the School of Psychology, investigated the effects of a short break from Facebook on a person’s stress and well-being. Continue →

WorkSafe has accepted its ninth enforceable undertaking under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 The regulator accepted the undertaking from Earthcare Environmental Limited, following an incident in July 2016 where a worker suffered hand injuries including the amputation of two fingers. Continue →

The importance of risk assessments and implementing appropriate controls was a dominant message in a recent health and safety sentencing The Whangarei District Court recently released their sentencing decision after Avon Industries appeared in court for sentencing in February. Continue →
Training & Recruitment

Site Safe is proud to be supporting hundreds of young apprentices by offering training providers discounted health and safety courses as part of the nationwide Skills Week initiative Skills Week, a one-week work readiness course developed by the Skills Organisation, is the first block course of a specialist trades apprenticeship and includes training on employment skills, first aid, basic trade calculations and health and safety. Continue →
Fleet Management

Road Safety Week 2018 takes place 7-13 May and employers, especially those with staff who drive for work, are urged to register to take part and raise awareness of road safety issues Coordinated by road safety charity Brake and supported by QBE Insurance and the NZ Transport Agency, the week will focus on seat belts and distractions with the theme ‘Belt on, phone off – make it a habit’. Continue →
Training & Recruitment

The opening of Transpower’s Grid Skills Bunnythorpe facility will mark the completion of works to upgrade three key electricity industry training facilities Transpower plays a key role in New Zealand’s electricity industry by providing training through its Grid Skills programme for many of those working to maintain and repair lines, substations, and other key assets. Continue →

As a formal investigation continues into the use of certain fire-fighting foams in New Zealand, airports are being identified as still having stocks of the foams, use of which has been restricted since 2006 Fire-fighting foams manufactured with the chemicals PFOS and PFOA were the standard from the 1970s until the early 2000s. Continue →
Hazardous Materials & Substances

Low-level lead exposure may be responsible for around 30 per cent of premature deaths from cardiovascular disease in the US each year, according to an international paper published in The Lancet Public Health  Researchers monitored the lead levels in more than 14,000 people over 20 years and found that even low-level lead exposure (between 1-5 micrograms of lead per decilitre of blood) increases the risk of premature death. Continue →
All News

Hawke’s Bay company Drug Smart has become the first in New Zealand to gain IANZ accreditation to test for methamphetamine contamination In 2017, Standards New Zealand published a new standard on the testing and decontamination of meth-affected properties (NZS8510) which required rigorous validation of sampling kits and proof of appropriately trained samplers. Continue →

The tortilla oven that crushed and burned a worker’s hand and arm in November 2016 had multiple sources of risk, WorkSafe found The worker was cooking tortillas in a commercial tortilla press and oven when a Miller Foods Limited, trading as Remarkable Tortillas, was sentenced in the Queenstown District Court following an incident that left a worker’s arm trapped in an oven that was aflame. Continue →

Site Safe’s new partnership with Filipino recruitment organisations is helping ensure workers hit the ground running when they arrive in New Zealand Site Safe has joined forces with Working In Resourcing, an NZ-based immigration company and its counter-part Philippines-based recruitment agency, YWA Human Resource Corporation, to deliver entry-level health and safety training for workers preparing to start work in New Zealand. Continue →

Pioneering research from the University of South Australia has shown for the first time that drones can be used to detect human vital signs in war zones and natural disasters University of South Australia researchers have successfully trialled unmanned aerial vehicles to measure heart and respiratory rates using remote-sensing imaging systems, while hovering three metres from humans. Continue →

Fewer tradies are being killed or seriously injured at work, new research has found The government’s Towards 2020 report into New Zealand’s workplace death and injury rates shows the fatality rate in the construction industry has more than halved since 2011 and is now lower than the national rate. Continue →
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