For the first time, New Zealand has a dedicated certification for fluid power engineering, providing new training and career path options to those in the hydraulics and pneumatics industries

Gisborne Hydraulic Services – Mohammed Farook (Fluid Power Apprentice), Tasj Paulson (Owner Gisborne Hydraulic Services), Ben Julian (National Manager ATNZ)
The Certificate in Fluid Power Engineering Fundamentals (Level 3) approved by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) is the result of sustained effort by several key people in the industry and of a newly formed New Zealand Fluid Power Association.
Treasurer and former chairperson of this association, Natasja (Tasj) Paulson, says after more than 20 years in the industry, she found it was difficult to attract the right staff because there was no formally recognised fluid power training.
Tasj and a number of like-minded people from the Fluid Power Industry worked alongside the Workplace Development Council to develop a certification that was “for the industry by the industry.”
By the end of 2022, NZQA had officially accepted the certification, and much of 2023 was spent developing the technical elements of what the new course would look like.
Apprentice Training New Zealand took the lead in running the new certification programme. By the end of 2023, everything came together, and the new certification programme was ready for 2024.
“It was an exciting time and the result of the hard work of so many individuals,” says Tasj, who had two of her employees immediately sign up for the programme.
The New Zealand Certificate in Fluid Power Engineering Fundamentals (Level 3) is now available and provides the fundamentals of fluid power and helps participants secure good jobs and build their careers.
“The next steps are to consider adding a Level 4 and possibly a Level 5 qualification to further upskill people that want to take their qualifications to the next level,” explains Tasj.