Author Curreen


A New Zealand partnership forged under lockdown aims to change people’s reliance on alcohol and traditional chemical based sanitation products, in a market estimated to grow by around 30 percent globally by 2023 Disinfectant and sanitation company, AWS, has signed an agreement with specialist healthcare company Pharmaco after forging a partnership over video calls in lockdown. Continue →

A mechanics workshop has dodged a $400,000 fine after an untrained worker was crushed by the truck he was working on It was the young worker’s second day on the job as a trainee and he had been left unsupervised at the time of the incident. Continue →

Homeowners, builders and DIYers will soon have an easier time making basic home improvements as the Government scraps the need for consents for low-risk building work The Government is introducing new exemptions to the Building Act in a move save homeowners $18 million in consenting costs each year, though building work must still meet the Building Code, Minister for Building and Construction Jenny Salesa announced today. Continue →

Respiratory protective equipment that does not meet approved standards may leave workers unprotected from harmful respiratory risks, and give them a false belief that they are protected, warns WorkSafe Workers in many industries use P2 disposable respirators, commonly known as ‘dust masks’, to manage the risks around breathing chemicals and dusts like silica and asbestos. Continue →

Two parties were fined a total of $63,000 after twice disregarding WorkSafe notices about unsafe work from a height, and putting workers at risk of serious harm The Judge also imposed a Project Order under section 155 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, which require both parties to prepare and present at least three safety seminars and produce an article outlining the incident and the lessons learned from it for publication in an industry magazine. Continue →

A global survey has found that most workers would continue to work when sick with flu-like symptoms, a move that could have dire consequences in the current pandemic The Australian and international research surveyed over 500 workers, around half of which were healthcare workers. Continue →

Grant Robertson’s rainy-day Budget poured billions – with many more billions still to come – into saving and creating jobs report Dentons Kensington Swan partners Linda Clark and Hayden Wilson If the plan works (and it is still being developed to match rapidly changing economic circumstances) then New Zealand’s economy may be spared the worst of what the Prime Minister calls “dire global predictions”. Continue →

Businesses and services need to meet public health requirements under the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Alert Level 2) Order 2020 which has been brought in by the Government to set out what you need to do to prevent the spread of COVID-19, WorkSafe reports Moving to Alert Level 2 brings many more PCBUs (persons conducting a business or undertaking – businesses, not-for-profits and other organisations) back to work. Continue →

Industry and government have been working with Site Safe to update the existing construction protocols to reflect what is now permitted under Level 2 Site Safe Chief Executive Brett Murray says “we’ve been working with a cross-industry working group to make sure everyone has access to this important information as soon as possible, so businesses will have time to get to grips with what level 2 means for them. Continue →

Remote employees are more productive than those who work from conventional offices, claims Jason Fried, the Chief Executive and co-founder of remote software startup, Basecamp Fried managed the Basecamp team remotely for 21 years and is the best-selling author of several books, including Rework; Remote: Office Not Required; and It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work. Continue →

The COVID-19 pandemic is putting flexible work on the table for thousands of fathers Fathers across the ditch prove that working from home can be just as viable as working in a traditional office environment according a recent report by the University of South Australia. Continue →

Given the extraordinary circumstances that Covid-19 presents, it is admirable the Ministry of Health has forged ahead with the Medicinal Cannabis Scheme, which came into effect as planned on 1 April, says Helius Therapeutics Chief Executive Paul Manning Since the final regulations were announced late last year, the Ministry has been working closely with the country’s newest industry. Continue →

Under alert Level 3 all businesses that are permitted to resume operations need to have a COVID-19 safety plan that sets out how they’ll operate safely, says the Head of WorkSafe’s General Inspectorate Jo Pugh To help meet the requirements for Level 3 work arrangements, WorkSafe New Zealand has developed a template to help workplaces consider the risks introduced by COVID-19 and how they can mitigate them. Continue →

The Covid-19 pandemic will pass, and relatively quickly, but life and the way we work will never be the same, which may not be such a bad thing Michael Liebreich – BloombergNEF For a time the world will be in recovery mode, and then the time will come when life will once again feel normal. Continue →

Businesses need to focus on known and understood health and safety risks, alongside those of COVID-19, to limit any spike in incident numbers as we leave Level 4 lockdown, says New Zealand Institute of Safety Management (NZISM) President Greg Dearsly   These comments echo those of the Government’s support of “safe” economic activity at Level 3 and the importance of staying safe and looking after each other. Continue →

A new national Standard and Protocols have been developed for the construction industry, providing clarity over what will be expected as the industry returns to work under Alert Level 3 “The government’s announcement that construction will be able to operate under COVID-19 Alert Level 3 is a huge relief to us all,” says Civil Contractors New Zealand Chief Executive Peter Silcock Continue →
Fire Protection

This is what work should be undertaken during the COVID-19 level four restrictions according to a Position Statement issued by the Fire Protection Association New Zealand with consultation with the Ministry of Business and Employment The extraordinary COVID-19 restrictions currently in place are all aimed at preventing the loss of lives through the reduction of person-toperson disease transmission (either directly or via contaminated surfaces). Continue →
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