Browsing: Management


The injury-prone dairy farming industry was the ideal sector in which to test the learning from incidents process, as Massey University researchers Justine Croft & Dr Kirsten Bendix Olsen explain The dairy sector has one of the highest injuries rates of any New Zealand industry – 2.5 times higher per 1000 full-time equivalents than the average of all industries combined. Continue →

Three definitions are important when it comes to managing change communication in the new workplace health and safety environment, says  Dr Vincent Covello, director of the Center for Risk Communication New York City   The three definitions are: risk communication – the exchange of information about risks crisis communication – the exchange of information during, before, or after a crisis, and change communication – the exchange of information about change. Continue →

Workplace bullying can be considered analogous to kiwifruit, says leading organisational psychology researcher Dr Helena D Cooper-Thomas Kiwifruit are a major export earner for New Zealand:  harvested, sorted, packed onto pallets, and sent off in shipping containers around the world.  Continue →
Management Some of the most conservative reports suggest that 10 percent of workplaces will be based in coworking locations by 2025.

More impermanent workers, risks associated with startups, superfluous space, aversion to long-term leases, fit-out costs, demand for time and space flexibility, cost of office space, and requirement for collaboration are factors contributing to the growth of flexible and shared office space. Continue →
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