Browsing: Management


Site Safe’s Jim Bell knows all too well how badly things can go wrong in the workplace with a long history of investigating accidents as a safety inspector, and is now making sites safer as an auditor Jim Bell has been a safety advisor and auditor for Site Safe since 2006 but for well before then he was with the Department of Labour as a factory inspector. Continue →

Australia is home to some of the worst workplace bullying in the developed world, ranking sixth highest in a recent study comparing us with 31 European countries, but Researchers at the University of South Australia have come up with a solution Around 10 per cent of Australian employees admit to being bullied at work, but that figure may hide the true extent of the problem, with much antisocial workplace behaviour going unreported and research suggesting up to two-thirds of workers may experience unfair treatment on the job. Continue →

When large building companies fail, many smaller companies and operators often bear the brunt of the collapse, which has happened with last week’s failure of the Stanley Group construction company, says SiteSafe Chief Executive Brett Murray Companies of 5 or under make up half of SiteSafe’s 6000+membership. Continue →

Failures of culture—from big bank Wells Fargo to Volkswagen—have been the single biggest destroyers of value in the last five years, writes Humu Chief Executive Laszlo Bock Every CEO and HR professional knows (or at least says) that culture is a priority, but for far too long management has had only a blunt set of instruments to deal with cultural issues: fire the offensive engineer, swap in new leaders, overhaul the board and hope for the best. Continue →

Hydraulink has more than 70 years of industry experience and provides a diverse range of hydraulic hose, fittings, components and 24/7 services to a wide range of businesses across New Zealand, Australia and the South Pacific Mining giant Rio Tinto is the latest Aussie company to enjoy the success Hydraulink’s engineers’ joystick control which enhances safety and efficiency . Continue →

Despite focussing on contractor management and the overlapping duties that exist between contracting PCBUs, there has been little guidance released by WorkSafe about how PCBUs should approach the management of contractors and coordinate activities under the HSWA – until now By Sarah-Lee Stead, Special Counsel, and Richard Monigatti, Associate, at Kensington Swan from the specialist Health and Safety team For a long time, WorkSafe has focussed on the management of contractors at a workplace. Continue →

Cold weather can lead to more injuries as it affects decision-making and leads to fatigue, with people taking shortcuts to finish the job to get back where it’s warm which can cause injuries or damage to equipment and the work site Christchurch Site Safe safety advisor Trudy Hodge knows all about working in chilly conditions. Continue →

There have been two recent incidents in which a truck came into contact with another queuing dump truck in a loading zone, highlighting the importance for rules and procedures to be in place when operating heavy machinery Incident One The excavator was pulling a hanging wall removing the waste off the top of the ore. Continue →

Over the past 25 years, I have helped thousands of small to medium business owners learn how to hire smarter and more efficiently, and if I am being completely honest here, it took me another ten years before that to learn the ins and outs of finding and hiring qualified team members, says Inc columnist David Finkel   The biggest mistake that I did early on, and I see other business owners do it all the time, has to do with starting off the hiring process by creating a generic job description. Continue →

Evidence-based decision making is needed to bring down New Zealand’s increasing road toll, says Stephen Selwood CEO of Infrastructure NZ While discussion around how best New Zealand can improve its comparatively poor road safety performance is needed, it is essential that policy changes address the principal drivers of declining performance if we are to have any hope of turning the road toll around. Continue →

A New Zealand Construction Sector Accord was announced by five ministers, including Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, signalling long-term commitment between government and industry to collaborate on key work areas for a healthy construction sector Government and construction industry leaders have signalled a shared commitment to transform New Zealand’s construction sector. Continue →

New standards for oral fluid testing processes and technologies have been welcomed by The Drug Detection Agency (TDDA), who has long believed that oral fluid testing technology and processes required reviewing and to become a joint Australian and New Zealand standard The AS/NZS 4760:2019 (CH-039 Detection of Drugs in Oral Fluids) Oral Fluid testing standard by Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand dictates consistency around testing methodology, the quality of devices required, and how labs manage test samples. Continue →
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