How job management software magnifies worker safety


Historically safety documents and certificates have been hard copy paperwork that sparkies need to lug from one premise to the next, which really isn’t practical when safety assessments need to be logged right away on every job, says Fergus founder Dan Pollard

Digital safety certificates have helped tradies move from easy-to-lose, paper documentation to a simpler, more efficient digital format. For instance, these certificates mean sparkies can complete necessary safety checklists electronically, ensuring that all safety measures are reviewed and met before starting a job. This way electricians can go through each item on the safety checklist systematically. By assessing the risks methodically, electricians can make more informed decisions that prioritise their safety and that of their mates onsite.

Job management software also plays a role in safety, going hand-in-hand with digital safety certificates. This type of software means that sparkies have easy access to previous safety certificates if needed, as well as track their safety checklist completion and monitor the safety status of ongoing projects.

Communication is crucial to a safe working environment, and by using digital certificates, or even better job management software, this can be streamlined between workers. Tradies can share safety-related information and updates in real time to ensure that everyone on the team is aware of any potential hazards as well as any precautions needed to mitigate these risks.

Many sparkies find admin overwhelming, time consuming, and, let’s face it, boring. Fortunately, smart digital job management tools can automate many of the admin tasks associated with safety compliance, like scheduling safety training sessions and reminding sparkies to complete their safety checklists, so they don’t have to worry about it.

In short, automation takes away the admin burden for sparkies so they can focus more on their core tasks—like working with live electricity—while still ensuring compliance with safety regulations.
