Author Geoff

Workplace Health & Safety

An Australian innovation about to enter world markets automates the hazardous, costly and never-ending task of slashing roadside grass around millions of poles, fences, safety barriers and signposts lining highways and byways Instead of whole teams of roadside workers laboriously manually trimming vegetation around the multitude of safety fence poles and advisory signs involved, the new SlasherTeck innovation uses one man on a tractor to do the job in a fraction of the time. Continue →

Fatigue is more than feeling tired and drowsy – in a work context fatigue is a state of mental and/or physical exhaustion that reduces a person’s ability to perform work safely and effectively It can occur because of prolonged or intense mental or physical activity, sleep loss and/or disruption of the internal body clock. Continue →
Hazardous Materials & Substances

New Zealand’s system for managing hazardous substances is changing to reflect the government’s health and safety reform, Environmental Protection Authority Senior Policy Advisor Tania van Maanen explains The rules around managing risks to workers using hazardous substances will be transferred from the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act (HSNO) and regulations implemented by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSW) and regulations implemented by WorkSafe New Zealand. Continue →

A zero-harm approach on a key infrastructure project led the Fulton Hogan John Holland Joint Venture to success at the 2016 Site Safe Health and Safety in Construction Awards A major project to protect the security of Auckland’s water supply, the Hunua 4 watermain runs for 31km, from Redoubt North Reservoir in Manukau Heights to the Khyber Pass Reservoir. Continue →
Workplace Health & Safety

Canada’s Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST) has published a new research report to help prevent confined space accidents by helping companies apply existing regulations Researchers wanted to gain a better understanding of confined space risk management and identify issues based on the literature and field observations, and develop a confined space risk analysis and work categorization tool that meets the needs defined in the first stage of the project. Continue →
Training & Recruitment

A new world-first grass-roots guide for doctors, nurses, paramedics and other health professionals will give them a much-needed common language to deal with the growing number of natural and man-made disasters worldwide Edited by Professor Gerry FitzGerald, from QUT’s School of Public Health, and launched by Rob Cameron Acting Director General of Emergency Management Australia, Disaster Health Management: a primer for students and practitioners covers events including Cyclone Yasi, the US Ebola outbreak, Victoria’s bushfires, Iceland’s 2010 volcano eruption, Tokyo’s Sarin nerve gas attack and the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Continue →

The injury-prone dairy farming industry was the ideal sector in which to test the learning from incidents process, as Massey University researchers Justine Croft & Dr Kirsten Bendix Olsen explain The dairy sector has one of the highest injuries rates of any New Zealand industry – 2.5 times higher per 1000 full-time equivalents than the average of all industries combined. Continue →
Workplace Health & Safety

Working alone outside of the traditional office is commonplace for tens of thousands of staff in New Zealand, but it needn’t stand in the way of safety Employers owe their employees a duty of care, and as such need to consider the risks for a person entering situations that have the potential to become a hostile environment. Continue →
Workplace Health & Safety

For solo farmer Peter Phillips, repeatedly suffering a ‘crook back’ from lifting ewes during lambing was a major and painful inconvenience – until he found the perfect solution Installing a second-hand wheelchair lift on the back of his ute now enables him to lift and move animals and other heavy loads without getting injured – and avoid downtime during his busiest time of the year. Continue →

A majority of district health boards (DHBs) around the country don’t provide 24/7 access to sign language interpreters, which puts deaf people at significant risk in medical emergencies, the Green Party claims A report released by Deaf Action New Zealand recently showed that only eight of 20 DHBs say they can provide access to sign language interpreters 24/7. Continue →

KiwiRail and TrackSAFE NZ’s social media campaign, “The Conscious Crossing”, won big at the Axis Awards, taking home eight Gold Axis Awards and the overall Grand Axis Award The Conscious Crossing campaign was developed as part of Rail Safety Week 2016 in response to a nationwide increase in rail incidents involving pedestrians, particularly at level crossings. Continue →

Work Rehab and Fit For Work are joining forces to provide what is claimed to be the most comprehensive range of occupational health services available from any company in New Zealand “This joint venture will greatly benefit Kiwi businesses wanting a single nationwide supplier of integrated occupational health services,” Director Lenny O’Connell believes. Continue →
Workplace Health & Safety

Prolonged sitting is very prevalent – more than half of the working population’s 15 hours waking day is sedentary according to Massey University Professor of Ergonomics Stephen Legg and research student and physiotherapist Jane Pierce  It has been linked to serious health effects – diabetes, cardiovascular disease, possible cancer and obesity to name but a few. Continue →

If so, you could be suffering from Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome (HHS) HHS is an insidious disease that can be easily confused with other disorders, such as hand-arm vibration syndrome or Raynaud’s disease, which are also characterized by blanched fingers.  Continue →
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