Author Curreen

Training & Recruitment

Tickets are now on sale for one of the biggest industry events of the year, the Site Safe Evening of Celebration This event acknowledges health and safety success in the construction industry, announcing the winners of the Construction Health and Safety Awards and recognising the graduates of the Certificate in Construction Site Safety. Continue →
Training & Recruitment

The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) initiative to tackle harmful sexual behaviour in the workforce has taken out the top award at the 2018 Diversity Awards NZ The NZDF has rolled out mandatory Sexual Ethics and Respectful Relating (SERR) training to its 11,000 personnel since June 2017, aiming to create a workforce that is both empowered and prepared to address harmful sexual behaviour. Continue →

Two words which should be common sense for every workplace, but in effect are not common practice   I’m fascinated by the concept of working more human — the idea that, when you bring more humanity, love, and social connection to the employee experience, it adds immense value to business outcomes and the workplace culture. Continue →

Software service provider Teletrac Navman has teamed up with Site Safe to identify safety leaders in the construction industry, sponsoring the 2018 Safety Leadership Award “Safety experts tell us that the New Zealand construction sector accounts for a significant proportion of the nation’s workplace-related accidents,” says Ian Daniel, Vice President Teletrac Navman, Asia Pacific. Continue →

A new study which shows New Zealand has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world confirmed the need to ban sunbeds and make sunscreen standards mandatory, Consumer NZ says Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting Kiwis. Continue →

The provision of managerial support and help for employees with depression is linked to lower rates of workplace absenteeism, finds an international survey study of practice in 15 countries in different regions of the world, published in the online journal BMJ Open The findings bolster the case for active workplace policies on mental health, say the researchers. Continue →

WorkSafe has accepted an enforceable undertaking from glass supply and glazing company Woods Glass (New Zealand) Limited The acceptance follows an incident in January 2017 when a worker’s leg was crushed in machinery The worker was injured when the glass cutting machine he was working with jammed. Continue →
Fire Protection

Many commercial buildings around New Zealand are putting lives and property at risk because they don’t comply with fire safety standards, says John Lucas He became aware of this problem from insurers doing risk surveys and is leading an international seminar this month to highlight the issues and work on solutions. Continue →

Hand tool safety tips are useful in every workplace – almost every job calls for their use, and healthy hands are necessary for every job People who work in warehouses, construction sites, or in industrial workplaces will likely use hand tools more frequently, but even office workers use scissors, box cutters, and utility knives. Continue →

Working 45 or more hours in a week is linked to a heightened risk of diabetes in women, finds an observational study published online in the journal BMJ Diabetes Research & Care No such heightened risk was found among women working 30 to 40 hours a week, the findings show, prompting the researchers to suggest that sticking to this total might help curb the risk of the disease. Continue →

Newly formed construction industry health and safety leadership body, Construction Health and Safety New Zealand (CHASNZ), is pleased to announce the appointment of Chris Alderson as the inaugural Chief Executive Officer “We are delighted to have appointed someone of Chris Aldersons’ calibre” said CHASNZ Board Chair, Roger McRae.  Continue →
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