Author Curreen


Once lockdown restrictions finally ease and businesses are able to re-open, they will have seven days to take steps ensuring all visitors comply with mandatory scanning and record keeping, the University of Auckland’s Dr Andrew Chen explains Contact tracing is a key epidemiological tool that helps us identify the right people who need to isolate or get tested. Continue →

The Government is urging Kiwi organisations to tighten up the way they enable remote working for staff to avoid the growing risk of cyber attacks Government cyber security agency, CERT NZ says the majority of ransomware attacks occur through poorly configured remote access systems, which businesses use to allow staff to access systems from outside the office. Continue →

There are a lot of moving parts to a company’s health and safety programme but an app can bring them all under the same platform In an environment of stringent regulation, it is essential for businesses to have a cost-effective platform to ensure health and safety compliance for everyone who enters potentially dangerous building sites. Continue →
Training & Recruitment

The civil construction and infrastructure industry has teamed up with government, industry bodies and employers to help meet New Zealand’s infrastructural skills challenge The Infrastructure Skills Centre has been developed jointly by Fulton Hogan, the Ministry of Social Development, Civil Contractors New Zealand, the Construction Sector Accord and a range of civil construction employers to give New Zealanders a unique range of experiences. Continue →

Otago forestry workers are using new radio technology to manage 23,730 hectares of forest more safely, even enabling them to perform under Covid-19 restrictions Initially deployed to replace an outdated analogue radio network, the system delivers many additional benefits for forestry company, City Forests. Continue →
Hazardous Materials & Substances

As well as being flammable, WorkSafe reminds businesses of the other dangers surrounding petrol and its toxicity after a fuel siphoning incident earlier this month On Tuesday 7 July 2021, a worker in West Auckland ingested an unknown quantity of unleaded fuel while priming a siphon to transfer fuel from one portable generator to another. Continue →

Two companies have been ordered to pay a total sum of over $1 million after failing to follow industry guidance, resulting in the death of a worker WorkSafe is once again reminding businesses to make sure work is being done correctly, safely and to higher industry standards, or risk seeing their workers injured or killed. Continue →

Many of New Zealand’s biggest industries have high fatality rates – in some ways these industries need to be treated like the ‘frontline’ in much the same way as our armed forces While most of us rarely give much thought to workplace deaths in New Zealand until they hit the headlines, closely examining the data for the past 10 years is a sobering exercise. Continue →

WorkSafe New Zealand is warning businesses that it is unacceptable to allow staff to operate cranes and other machinery without direct supervision or appropriate training The warning comes after a fatal incident in Christchurch in January 2020. Continue →
Workplace Health & Safety

Working long hours is a risk factor for dying from cardiovascular disease or having a stroke but poor management practices pose a greater risk for depression A year-long study has found that full-time workers employed by organisations that do not prioritise their employees’ mental health have a threefold increased risk of being diagnosed with depression. Continue →

Diesel is an organic compound, and like a slice of bread, it can go mouldy, which can pose some serious safety risks, says David Armitage from Conidia Bioscience Mould, a form of fungus, yeasts and bacteria can grow in fuel over time. Continue →

Risk cannot always be eliminated in the workplace, so if the worst does happen, having the right safety equipment will help protect your workers and yourself when WorkSafe comes knocking Safety at work is everyone’s business and should include a safety equipment list. Continue →

New Zealand’s construction workplaces rate just 55 out of 100 in a new wellbeing study by Skills Consulting Group According to the Skills Consulting Group Work Wellbeing Index, which surveyed nearly 1500 Kiwi workers, New Zealand has an overall work wellbeing score of 62 out of 100, with construction coming in at 55. Continue →

Repeated exposure to vibration from hand and power tools and while using vehicles and machinery can cause permanent injury to blood vessels, nerves and joints Vibration from tools and machines can be transmitted into workers’ hands and arms. Continue →
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