Author Curreen


Public consultation is now open on an application to reassess the use of hydrogen cyanamide, an active ingredient in sprays commonly used by kiwifruit growers Hydrogen cyanamide is banned in Europe, and its re-registration is currently under review in the United States. Continue →

Paper-based systems and analogue machines are still common within the industrial sectors, but writing on a piece of paper just isn’t adequate in today’s environment, says SYSPRO Chief Product Officer, Paulo De Matos With the need for continued innovation and tighter controls, businesses are now realising the urgency to replace legacy and manual systems with technologies that will improve visibility of critical data and reduce business risks. Continue →

Rapid antigen testing, which can detect the virus in 15 minutes, has been given the green light more than a year after the Government’s own advisors called it a priority The tests will be first rolled out across Auckland hospitals and for self-isolating travellers in Auckland and Christchurch. Continue →

A five-company alliance in North America are bringing together best-in-class technologies and risk knowledge to provide construction managers with a 360-degree view of construction sites and real-time alerts regarding workers’ adherence to safety regulations Zyter, a leading digital health and IoT-enablement platform, has announced it is collaborating with Zurich, Qualcomm Technologies, Everguard and Rudolph Libbe Group (RLG) to advance the use of AI-based Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to enhance construction safety. Continue →

Lockdowns and alert level restrictions have put the squeeze on many small businesses – Prospa offers some advice that could help In such uncertain times, many small business owners are already working hard to do what they can to protect their cash flow, their businesses, their staff and themselves. Continue →

With many small businesses scaled back or closed entirely due to Covid restrictions, savvy business owners reveal their first-hand tips for how they’re using this time to position their business for the future   Do things you’ve never had the time for… until now For Laura Heynike of Pocketspace Interiors, the lockdown and product supply interruptions could have been debilitating, particularly when the loss of income turned out to be more than double what she had expected. Continue →

The return to work under Alert Level 3 saw thousands of construction businesses breathe a sigh of relief, made possible by assurance to the government that the industry was able to do so safely by following the Covid-19 construction protocols The first lockdown last year saw vertical and commercial businesses in the construction industry combine to form a steering group, with Site Safe playing a key role, to develop the Covid-19 construction protocols. Continue →

The Victorian government has announced a two-week shutdown of the construction industry after a protest against mandatory vaccines for workers in the sector became violent The Guardian newspaper says the closure across metropolitan Melbourne, Geelong, the Surf Coast, Ballarat and Mitchell Shire was decided on Monday night after the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) building was damaged and riot police deployed in chaotic scenes in central Melbourne. Continue →

Experts are urging the Ministry of Health to improve its mask wearing guidelines, calling current practices sub-optimal for reducing the risk of Covid-19 transmission A new rapid evidence brief Improving mask use to stop Covid-19 transmission from Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures at the University of Auckland, synthesises the most up-to-date  international research on the three main types of face masks – medical, cloth and N95 respirators. Continue →

Another wave of cyber attacks has hit our banks, MetService and even the postal service – but critical services such as energy and water supply could be next, warns Vectra APJ Director of Security Engineering, Chris Fisher Cyber-attacks in New Zealand have increasingly grown in sophistication and prevalence, in part due to increased digitalisation but also wider geopolitical changes and disruptions caused by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Continue →

Almost half of the complaints actioned by WorkSafe were allegations of businesses opening when they potentially should not have been under Covid-19 Alert Level restrictions By the morning of Friday 3 September, WorkSafe inspectors had completed 508 COVID-19 remote assessments.  Continue →

Last year saw five fatalities in the agricultural sector alone in just two months – with this season already off to a bad start after a person was killed in a tractor incident Vehicles continue to be the primary source of harm in farm fatalities. Continue →

The EPA is calling for a total ban on the ozone-depleting gas, methyl bromide, which is used increasingly in New Zealand to kill pests from trade cargo Methyl bromide is a toxic and ozone-depleting substance, which India and China require to be used on logs they receive from New Zealand. Continue →
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