Author Curreen


Since the start of last year, at least two workers have died in construction every month and just over one worker per day has been seriously injured WorkSafe NZ, Construction Health and Safety NZ (CHASNZ) and the Council of Trade Unions (CTU) are calling for a renewed focus on construction health and safety after a number of serious incidents recently. Continue →

WorkSafe believes it is now appropriate to restart spirometry testing for pre-employment checks and exit medicals for workers doing high-risk activities In mid to late 2020 spirometry testing was suspended due to concerns over its potential links to the spread of COVID-19. Continue →

Currently taking public submissions, the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Bill will limit the way tobacco is accessed and marketed Now with Parliament’s health select committee, the bill limits the number of retailers able to sell smoked tobacco products, prohibits the sale of tobacco products to anyone born in 2009 or after, and aims to make tobacco products less appealing and addictive. Continue →
Training & Recruitment

Many school leavers are only aware of the ‘usual suspect’ trades they can pursue, but as Ollie Lovell discovered, there are more than 2,000 vocational education and training programmes, including apprenticeships, available in New Zealand – Fire Detection and Alarms (FD&A) being one Lovell discovered the FD&A trade while doing a pre-trade electrician course at the local Polytech. Continue →

A total of 2333 cyber security incidents were reported in New Zealand in the first quarter this year, with phishing and credential harvesting continuing to grow as the most common forms of cyber attacks, NZTech Chief Executive Graeme Muller says New Zealand is ranked 56th in the world in cyber security according to the Portulans Institute and greater effort is urgently needed as the economy rapidly becomes more digital. Continue →

The death of a nine-year-old girl in a Northland traffic crash has been traced back to a badly worn down towball and coupling on a trailer used by a local trucking business The trailer’s safety chain failed, disconnecting it from the truck towing it in October 2020. Continue →

Almost every large building has systems to control and monitor power and lighting, temperature and ventilation, elevators and more, known collectively as Building Management Systems, Claroty ANZ Regional Director Lani Refiti says Historically, Building Management Systems (BMS) were siloed with their own control facilities, connected over separate dedicated networks. Continue →

Many safety managers tend to heavily focus on getting safety protocols, training, and equipment in place, but none of that is effective without employee adherence The cold, hard truth is that PPE that isn’t worn does nothing; training that isn’t paid attention to helps no one; and protocols that are not followed have weak results. Continue →

Two serious incidents occurred within a month of each other when the electrical workers involved performed the test improperly The first incident occurred when a live polarity test was used to test the connection of a newly installed mains cable and mains entry box. Continue →

Temporary traffic management in New Zealand is in the middle of a significant change – from a proscriptive compliance-based approach to a risk-based approach, says Civil Contractors New Zealand Technical Manager Stacy Goldsworthy The industry has traditionally conformed to the requirements of the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (COPTTM), however the introduction of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 required work activities to be assessed for risk and reasonably practical controls to be put in place to protect workers. Continue →

You may have very competent staff and thorough procedures onsite in daylight hours, but many businesses have cleaners or other contractors coming in after hours for maintenance, WorkSafe area investigation manager Paul West says The early morning death of a Taranaki cleaner is a lesson in 24-hour health and safety. Continue →
Training & Recruitment

New Zealand’s female secondary students have had a taste of careers in the infrastructure sector – and they’ve loved it ‘Girls with Hi-Vis’ (GWHV) has seen events held nationwide throughout June to offer young women the opportunity to visit infrastructure companies in their region with their school, to try first-hand some of the skills the sector requires and to hear from other women already succeeding in the industry. Continue →

The opioid fentanyl has exploded overseas – here are five things businesses should do to keep on top of drugs in the workplace The Drug Detection Agency (TDDA) is warning of the dangers that fentanyl brings in a safety sensitive workplace like trucking or forestry. Continue →
Training & Recruitment

A new Virtual Reality training package aims to tackle New Zealand’s poor safety record for working at heights The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment estimates the annual cost of injuries from falls while working at height to be $24 million, with approximately 70% of falls occurring from ladders or roofs. Continue →

Focusing on permits and signs does not protect workers and often leaves actual health and safety measures forgotten in the rush to complete paperwork, Besafe Training General Manager Jason Braithwaite says   We have a culture of paper health and safety, but proper measures like assessing risk, putting in place appropriate controls and ensuring they are enforced do not get the attention they deserve. Continue →
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