Total manufacturing sales rose in the December 2015 quarter after a strong increase in the September quarter.
Total manufacturing sales rose in the December 2015 quarter after a strong increase in the September quarter. This is according to Statistics New Zealand.
After adjusting for seasonal effects, the volume of total manufacturing sales rose 1.3 percent in the December 2015 quarter after a 3.3 percent rise in the September quarter.
“Petroleum and coal product manufacturing, which can have large movements from quarter to quarter, led the increases in December,” business indicators senior manager Neil Kelly said. “Meat and dairy manufacturing sales were also up following a large increase in the previous quarter.
“Across the rest of manufacturing results were mixed, with more than half of the remaining industries having sales’ decreases in the December 2015 quarter.”
The main industry movements were in petroleum and coal product manufacturing up 11 percent (not seasonally adjusted); meat and dairy product manufacturing up 2.5 percent after a six percent rise in the September 2015 quarter; and fruit, oil, cereal, and other food manufacturing down 2.9 percent.
The trend for total manufacturing sales volume, which gives a longer-term picture of movements, is rising after a recent flat period.
The actual value of manufacturing sales including price changes was $26.4 billion in the December 2015 quarter, up $17 million (0.1 percent) from the December 2014 quarter.