Create or Edit your Directory Listing

Please create or edit your listing here. You need to finalise your online listing by 01 December 2015 Whatever information you’ve input by then will be used for the Print directory. You can return to this website at any stage to update your online listing.

Need help? For step-by-step instructions on how to complete your listing, click here. [membership level=”2″]

Your contact details

This means you - the person filling out the form. This won't be published in the directory. This is so we can contact you if we have any questions about your listing.
This field won't appear in the directory
This field won't appear on the directory
This field won't appear on the directory

Basic Company Details

Fill out the basic company details
The legal business name
If different than Company Name
Outside NZ only. Include International Country Code. Eg. 00## # #### ####
[/membership] [membership level=”3″]

Your contact details

This means you - the person filling out the form. This won't be published in the directory. This is so we can contact you if we have any questions about your listing.
This field won't appear in the directory
This field won't appear on the directory
This field won't appear on the directory

Basic Company Details

Fill out the basic company details
The legal business name
If different than Company Name
Outside NZ only. Include International Country Code. Eg. 00## # #### ####

Advanced Company Details

Total word count: 0 words. Words left: 50

This official email address will appear in the listing

Physical Location

Postal Address

If different to the physical location. Please don't put spaces or full stops in your PO Box, Private Bag or RD number.
PO Box, Private Bag, RD or Street number
Or RD if applicable

Contact Person Details

Full Name

Product & Service Categories

Advanced Level: select up to 10
Enter in the brands separated by commas
[/membership] [membership level=”4″]

Your contact details

This means you - the person filling out the form. This won't be published in the directory. This is so we can contact you if we have any questions about your listing.
This field won't appear in the directory
This field won't appear on the directory
This field won't appear on the directory

Basic Company Details

Fill out the basic company details
The legal business name
If different than Company Name
Outside NZ only. Include International Country Code. Eg. 00## # #### ####

Advanced Company Details

This official email address will appear in the listing

Physical Location

Postal Address

If different to the physical location. Please don't put spaces or full stops in your PO Box, Private Bag or RD number.
PO Box, Private Bag, RD or Street number
Or RD if applicable

Premium Company Details

Total word count: 0 words. Words left: 100

Full Name
Full Name
Full Name
Full Name


Accepted File Formats: jpg, gif, png, bmp, tif, pdf, zip. Minium resolution: 300dpi.

Accepted File Formats: jpg, gif, png

Product & Service Categories

Premium Level: select up to 30
Enter in the brands separated by commas

[membership level=”3,4″]Did we miss a category? Suggest it here [/membership] [membership level=”4″]

Optional: Add a branch location

[/membership][membership level=”2,3,4″] [/membership]

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