Deaf New Zealanders at risk in medical emergencies


A majority of district health boards (DHBs) around the country don’t provide 24/7 access to sign language interpreters, which puts deaf people at significant risk in medical emergencies, the Green Party claims

A report released by Deaf Action New Zealand recently showed that only eight of 20 DHBs say they can provide access to sign language interpreters 24/7.

Deaf Action’s investigation was prompted by the experience of Kim Robinson, who was unable to access an interpreter for 64 hours during an emergency situation in Whangarei in 2016.

“Medical emergencies are already scary enough – imagine how terrifying it is if you can’t understand what is happening or can’t communicate what’s wrong,” says Green Party Disability spokesperson Mojo Mathers.

“It’s completely unacceptable that a deaf person had to wait more than two days for a hospital to find someone that they could communicate with. I’m concerned that this issue may be widespread.

“Some regions have made good progress in working to improve their systems, but it’s extremely worrying that there are still 12 DHBs that cannot guarantee prompt access to sign language interpreters.

“The report also highlighted that a number of DHBs were unable to explain what happened to their interpretation services outside of working hours, and that there is an over-reliance on non-qualified interpreters.

“It was also incredibly frustrating to learn that not one DHB referred to the services offered by Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) which has been available since 2009.

“National have underfunded the health system to the tune of $1.7 billion since coming into power, and it is clear that their cuts are affecting people when they need help the most.

“We need clear and enforceable legislation to ensure access for disabled New Zealanders to crucial services, and that’s why the Green Party is supporting the Accessibility for New Zealanders Act,” Mathers adds.

Deaf Action contacted every District Health Board in New Zealand to ask for assurance that each DHB could provide access to NZSL Interpreters at all times, receiving responses from 18/20 DHBs.

Eight of those who replied were able to provide assurance that they could provide interpreters 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including Waitemata, Counties Manukau, Waikato, Wairapapa, Hutt Valley, Capital Coast, Canterbury and West Coast.

Three DHBs asked for guidance or are open to a discussion on how to improve access and services to the Deaf. As result of Deaf Action’s letter, Auckland and Northland DHBs undertook an immediate review and implemented improvements.

Lakes DHB also reviewed their policies and asked for advice to strengthen their ability to provide a safe 24 hours 7 days a week service. Not one DHB referred to the Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) service, which has been available since 2009.  However, one DHB referred to the use of Skype as a useful tool at times when it is not possible to have an interpreter present on site.

Deaf Action recommends that all DHBs make a commitment towards providing effective, accessible services to the Deaf community at all times by reviewing their policies and procedures.
